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Friday, February 4, 2011


Cancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, invasion that intrudes upon and destroys adjacent tissues, and sometimes metastasis, or spreading to other locations in the body via lymph or blood.A tumor is caused when cancer cells multiply large masses of tissue.When a normal cell transforms into a cancer cell the genetic material (deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA) of a cell is changed, or mutated. Tumours are formed over decades or a certain amount of years, because of this it is very susceptible to form into a cancer cell as time goes along. Most cancer occurs after the age of fifty, yet some are detected earlier in life,however, it varies.
In some cases tumors are located in one area and in such cases the tumor can be removed through surgery.These are benign tumors as they cause little harm,malignant tumors are the hostile tumors,ones we should look out for.Wild cell growth turns into cancer when it is exposed to cancer causing substances otherwise called carcinogens,genetic effects or viruses.
People get lung cancer by smoking tobacco which contains carcinogenic substances.Carcinogens include chemicals,the sun's ultra violent rays and radiation.However, the common causes of cancer could be narrowed down to genetic hereditary cause(chromosomal abnormalities or disorders) or environmental cause. About 5-10% of cancers are directly due to hereditary genetic factors. The remaining 90-95% of cases are due to environmental factors, such as old age, lifestyle choices, tobacco use, dietary choices, obesity, infections, radiation, lack of physical activity, and environmental pollutants. These environmental factors cause or enhance non-hereditary abnormalities in the genetic material of cells. Cell reproduction is an extremely complex process that is normally tightly regulated by several classes of genes, including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Hereditary or acquired abnormalities in these regulatory genes can lead to the development of cancer.
Definitive diagnosis of cancer requires the microscopic examination of a biopsy specimen.Most cancers are curable through procedures such as chemotherapy,radiotherapy and surgery but it all depends on the type of cancer and the extent of the disease.
Recent findings reveal that the overall risk of developing cancer increases with age.In 2007,13% of all the deaths was caused by cancer and the number of cases is rising as more people live to old age.
Cancer is defined by the type of cell that the tumor resembles or the tissue or organ they begin to form and is therefore presumed to be the origin of the tumor.
Cancer can be prevented by doing the following:

¬For smokers the best way to avoid getting lung cancer is to stop smoking.

¬Avoid being in the sun for lengthy periods, too much exposure to the sun can cause cancer

¬Eat low fat diets

¬Shun from alcohol as much as possible

¬Do not have unsafe sex

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