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Friday, May 6, 2011

Home Remedies For Hair Loss!

Hair loss as it is commonly understood is losing the hairs from the head.Medically, the hair loss refers to the baldness or alopecia. This is losing the hairs from the scalp in abundant quantity. Generally, losing 50-100 hairs per day can be considered as a normal physiological procedure as all those hairs can be replaced with new growing hairs. Hair loss becomes significant when one starts losing more than that figure of hairs a day.
Hair loss could be due to many reasons, hereditary, being number one. Other causes include certain drugs, hormonal changes, pregnancy, therapies (like chemotherapy), salty water (for bathing and for drinking), makeup and dandruff. Men are more suffering from hair loss as compared to females. Baldness will be in men and not in female due to genetic reasons.
Home remedies for hair loss
• The Indian gooseberry has been showing great results treating hair loss. For this, oil containing Indian gooseberry will be great to use.
• Lettuce is another great home remedy for treating hair loss. A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is considered to help the growth of hair if taken up to ½ liter a day.
• Another great home remedy for hair loss is Amaranth. Its fresh leaves juice should be applied to the hair and this can help growing new hairs.
• An application of coconut milk over the scalp will be helpful treating hair loss. You can take coconut milk and then massage it into the hair roots. It nourishes the hair and promotes the hair growth.
• The most valuable home remedy for hair loss is using seeds of lime and black pepper. Ground it together and then make it into fine paste. Use this paste as an application on the patches. This might irritate but simultaneously it stimulates the hair growth and promotes the hair follicles to grow firm hairs.
• The leaves of the tree margosa will be useful treating hair loss. It should be used as a decoction. This will stop hair from falling and will stabilize them into their roots. It also kills the hair lice.
• Another useful home remedy for hair loss is using the paste of liquorice. It can be made by grinding the liquorice pieces in the milk with a pinch of saffron. The paste should be applied over the bald patches at night before retiring to the bed. This works wonderfully for treating alopecia condition.
• Onions have also been found beneficial patchy baldness along with hair falling condition. The affected part must be rubbed with onions in the morning and evening. The juice of onion is stimulant to the hair follicles and hence will prevent falling too.
• A fine paste made form pigeon pea or red gram is also considered as good home remedy for hair falling. Use this for longer period for maximum benefit.
• One of the proven hair loss home remedy for hair loss is rubbing olive oil onto the scalp and affected area.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/home-remedies-for-hair-loss-regrow-your-hair-tips-267085.html

About the Author

You can find more information on Home Remedies for Hair Loss visit Herbal Home Remedies and Natural Cures.
Also visit Herbal Home Remedies and Natural Treatments for most effective Home Remedies

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Power Of Prayer!

Research and findings have revealed that prayer and meditation have a profound influence on peoples health and especially on hospital patients. People who pray and meditate daily have shown marked decreases in stress hormone levels,they age better, live longer, and handle adversity far better. Basically, people that believe in God and pray consistently live happier and prosperous lives.Here are a few reasons why:
People that pray and meditate feel a sense of belonging. They do not feel alone in the fight against the challenges of life.All major religions believe in a supreme authority they often refer to as God. They make a connection with their supreme entities through prayer and meditation.They can ask for forgiveness ,counsel,protection or even help in any areas of their lives. Scholars highly regard and associate a sense of belonging with mental health.People that are loners by nature tend to die early, not look and feel as healthy, and do not handle adversity and stress well. They tend to hold it in and then blow up on those that are actually trying to help them.

Prayer and meditation lets one detoxify their body and mind of toxic thoughts. Just like toxins we are familiar with, toxic thoughts can bring on depression, dark thoughts, hatred, mental illness and even suicide. Toxic thoughts and being alone are very negative for good mental health. By praying and meditating we are distressing our bodies and learning to put ourselves and our minds in a relaxed state. The best thing is that prayer and mediation are free. You can do it anywhere at anytime, in an elevator, in a quiet room, before going to sleep at night, the possibilities are endless. Prayer will help clean your mind of worry and stressful thoughts and replace them with thoughts of hope and serenity. Prayer before bedtime has been proven to reduce or entirely eliminate the need for sleep pills altogether in some cases.

Prayer should not be thought of as a chore. It can be as simple as the infamous Lords Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Basically in the Lords Prayer one is asking for forgiveness, for deliverance, guidance and that Gods will be done. In Matthew 7:11 it says:

So if you, weak mortals that you are, are capable of making good gifts to your children, do not you think your spiritual Father will give even better gifts to those who ask him?

We need to realize that regardless of our religion, God is infinitesimally smarter beyond any human comprehension and knows what is best for each and every one of us. God may not always seem to answer our prayers in the way we would like, but that does not mean he does not hear us. God gave us the gift of prayer so that not only could we talk to him, but so we could heal our bodies and better cope with the stresses of daily life. Through our prayer and meditation we can learn patience, forgiveness, hope, love and true happiness. This is why some biblical scholars say prayer is Gods greatest gift to mankind.
Think of it this way,a prayer a day keeps the devil,bad luck,evil spirits or anything bad or negative,out of the way.