In Vitro Fertilization is a scientific procedure which involves the egg of a female partner being mingled with the sperm of the male partner in artificial conditions created to emulate the environment of the mother’s natural womb. In due time, the resulting embryo is harvested and returned in to the female womb for the last stages of pregnancy. It may involve injecting the patient with a series of fertility treatment – for egg stimulation- during the preliminary stages.
The In Vitro Fertilization treatment is not full proof and like any other scientific advancement there are side effects and instances of failure. However, there are some success stories that should not be ignored. In any case the patient seeking this treatment has to bear in mind what they are getting in to, choose their sperm banks or egg donor clinics, choose the appropriate clinic based on their success rates and guard from controllable situations that contribute to the failure of the procedure- this include stress and age.
Some clinics and hospitals publish the success rates of their In Vitro Fertilization procedures in public posters displayed on the clinic walls or in their official websites. These help in increasing the confidence levels of the patient. The results of these procedures are usually classified into two: Chemical testing and Clinical testing.
These tests help determine the success of the pregnancy and are actually one of the statistics you want to consider before venturing into the procedure. Successful clinical tests in most cases lead to live births.
Another basic factor that determines the success of In Vitro Fertilization is the age of the patient going through the treatment. It is advisable that a person willing to have children in future determine their fertility status while they are still young. Some of the complications associated with infertility can be easily remedied and enable their victims to be capable of natural births. However, lingering until you are in the sensitive age bracket of 35 can be detrimental. At this point most of the cases can be cured and the only option is taking the artificial treatment. The other thing to note is that even this procedure favors the young for those above 35 have low chances of successful delivery.
For those who dream of having a family in future but are infertile, all hope is not lost. Science has a remedy for what nature renders impossible. This is through the In Vitro Fertilization. However, one should factor a few things before going for treatment. These include the clinic they are going to for treatment, the statistics of the procedure and last but not least the controllable conditions that lead to the failure of the procedure. It is not too much to ask the patient to remain calm and for them to diagnose their infertility problems early enough for them to have a successful live birth. After all this scientific birth procedure is a God sent and we are lucky it works.
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