"An accountant couldn't get to sleep,so he tried counting sheep.But then he made a mistake and it took him all night to find it."Garrison Keillor.
Daddy,do all fairy tales begin with the words,"once upon a time",the little girl asked."No",he replied.A whole lot of them begin with the words,"if elected,i promise."American Legion.
"I keep seeing spots before my eyes",said Joe."I wonder if there is something wrong with me".
"Have you seen a doctor", asked Will
"No",said Joe,"just spots".Anonymous
"Do you know the most effective method of birth control?",asked the teacher in a sex education lesson."No",answered the pupils.
"Correct",he replied.Martin Carlson.
A priest was trying to explain the meaning of adultery to a member of his congregation."Have you ever slept with a woman other than your wife?"he asked.
"No father",replied the man."I might have dozed off once or twice though."Bernard Brannigan