Most people opt for anti-depressants when feeling blue or tense.The fact of the matter is that the side effects of anti-depressants pose a greater danger than leaving depression unattended.The idea of nutritional supplements as depression remedies is gaining more approval by the day.
The fact that food can alter your brain's complex bio-chemistry is the reason why nutritional medicine works so well for depression.Recent studies show that the effects of Prozac - the most commonly used anti-depressant medication,are limited and this flaw has led to the consideration of natural approaches to depression.
Your brain,nervous system and neurotransmitters are all made from nutrients.Correcting nutritional deficiencies could help alleviate depression.
Anti-depressants are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).They are meant to address the miserable feeling experienced by depressed persons.SRRIs keep serotonin ,often called the happy hormone ,in circulation by preventing it's break down.A depressed person is almost likely to be low in serotonin.By preventing it's breakdown,SRRI's don't actually raise serotonin levels but stall the breaking down.Since the rate of production of serotonin in depressed persons is low,a better alternative would be a protein derived supplement called 5-HTP(5 hydroxy-tryptophan).Like Prozac,it enhances the activity of serotonin,but it does this by producing more as opposed to preventing its breakdown.
Furthermore,unlike Prozac,there are no side effects such as insomnia,nausea,dry mouth,and loss of libido;not to mention the risk of suicide.5-HTP has been proven to be more effective in treatin depression than traditional anti-depressants.
Depression is also associated with unmotivated and apathetic feelings.While serotonin influences moods,its the neurotransmitter dopamine that influences motivation.The raw material for dopamine is an amino acid called L-tyrosine.Did you know contraceptive pills can lead to depression because they deplete tyrosine levels?
Another way to help balance your moods is through blood sugar control.A diet that's too high in sugar can make you more prone to emotional ups and downs.This is because the body absorbs sweet foods fast and causes your blood sugar and endorphin(feel good hormone)levels to rise.
The problem is that the surge is followed by a crash.Though it is normal to opt for more sugar products,this leads to more blood sugar crashes and wilder mood swings.To break the cycle,avoid very sweet foods altogether and opt for fruits to satisfy your sugar cravings.
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