Laughter is the best medicine,this is probably an expression that has turned out to be a cliche.However,do people know that it literally means what it states?
We are so caught up with life- saving up for the future,working towards a promotion and lots of other issues that are not actually important.We end up investing in our future and killing our present through depression,stress related illnesses and other occurrences that could be easily avoided through healthy living habits.
We tend to forget that what we actually possess in our control is the present for the future is not given and as the saying goes nothing is promised tomorrow today.
Laughter has many benefits and it could go a long way in ensuring that we live a happier and prosperous life.Here are some of the many benefits of laughter:
Laughter strengthens the immune system by improving blood circulation and the flow of oxygen.
Laughter has proven to have the opposite effects of depression.While depression wears your body out through ailments like high blood pressure or hypertension,laughter lowers your blood pressure thus keeping it in check.Moreover,laughter gets rid of depression by releasing the feel good hormones,better known as endorphins.
Laughter helps to keep your skin healthy and youthful.It does this by directing the flow of blood and oxygen to your face hence helping you gain a healthy and wonderful complexion.
Laughter attracts others to you.While it is a well known fact that people like to associate with those who are lighthearted and cheerful,those who are gloomy and wear long or stern faces all the time hardly drive attention their way.A good sense of humour tops the list of preferred characteristics in one's spouse for both guys and girls.
One good joke a day relieves a high amount of stress and keeps your hormone at the required level for basic body functions.Look at it this way,a good joke recited to you by a friend or from a comedy you watched or even from a joke book,lingers in your conscious mind for the whole day.Eventually,you feel cheerful and in a good mood and nothing seems to dampen your spirits.
Most importantly it is important to note that it takes 7 muscles to smile and 32 to frown,and the former always gets a better reaction from the other person.Moreover,the way we respond to stressful events can be altered by whether we perceive something to be a threat or a challenge.Humour lightens our perspective and helps us view events as challenges,making them less threatening and more positive.
Whatever you do try all you can to keep your spirits up it could save you more than it could cost you.Watch rib cracking films,read a joke or even crack a joke,do all you can to elevate your mood.You will be surprised by the wonders a lighthearted spirit could work for you!