Welcome To How To Live Healthy and Satisfactorily.

Health and satisfaction are almost incompatible.This blog contains all the tips,solutions and recommended causes of action that will see you turn your life around.Are you conscious about your image,health,beauty,finances and general well being?Knowledgeable articles,highly recommended products and so much more.There's something for everyone.Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Forever Young

No one wants to ever get young.Infact we want to be forever young.We all crave the sweet sixteen days and we all want to hang on to our youth.
Hang on to that thought and explore your possibilities.Ever hard of an anti-ageing cream with no side effects and instant success.No need for plastic surgery or other methods when there is another way out.It is full proof and it has been tested.
Here is your chance to do away with stretch marks,wrinkles and other unpleasant features of ageing.

Fast and Easy Weight Loss

If you could change something about yourself what would it be?Everyone wants to change something or look somewhat different,that's only human.
If you were to change your weight,or suppress your belly or loose some pounds,there are a variety of options.The simplest way is the best since you go through the ordeal once and for all.Why not?Try it and you won't be sorry.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Get Your Full Health Package

Unsatisfied about your self?Want a real make over?Look no further.Live healthy,be confident about yourself.Flush Away Pounds Fast,Get Rid of unwanted Waste & Toxins from your body.Want to Lose Weight?Lose Weight Fast and get Free Weight lost products ,all just for you.

Healthy Lifestyles

Every one wants to live healthy.No one wants to die due to some preventable cause,we all appreciate the health factor in our lives.However,the cost of life is rising and so is the cost of health insurance.Are there other viable solutions and can it get any better.Don't wonder any more.Spend less and live healthy.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I Wanna Be Forever Young

Think of how embarassed you feel when you notice that blemish,that sugging beef,that uneven image.Don't you wish upon a star that you'd become flawless, like Angelina or Beyonce or Halleberry or the blonde across the street.It's time to be the one who girls adore,men long for and whom you feel cofident about.
Get rid of those unnecessary toxins,get your size ten with no sweat,claim your place as one of the goddesses.It's attainable,it's real,it's here.
check this out today.


Beware Of What You Wish For

How to be Optimistic

Author: Paul Gurnik

Would you like to know how to see the bright side of life? Read on and learn how to be optimistic. The first step is to recognize all your past assumptions and let it go. Just because you've failed in the past does not mean you will be a failure. Past failures do not translate into future failures. Let go of the assumptions that your born that way and it's impossible to change. Everything is possible, and with a little effort it can be done. Remove all your prior assumptions or views that were engraved by your parents or grandparents. Such authority figures can degrade children and you need not to take rejection personally.

Always, always use positive affirmations such as "I can do this" , "Its not so bad", or "anything is possible". Use positive views and always try to forget those negative thoughts. Cast those negative thoughts out of your brain! Viewing the world in a pessimistic view can dramatically degrade the quality of life and the others around you. Fighting does not help anything. If you fight with your parents, grandparents, or friends about your past you will never win. Fighting does not solve anything. Seeing the world optimistically is thanking for every opportunity and making the most out of every day. Thinking optimistically means seeing life, enjoying it, and living it in adventure. Remember that life is not infinite, it is short and a day is 24 hours. Make the most of those 24 hours and look forward to life filled with adventure, joy, and happiness.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/goal-setting-articles/how-to-be-optimistic-3913204.html

About the Author

Learn how to earn extra cash at http://www.cashcrateincome.com

Time Is Of The Essence

Effective Time Management Strategies

Author: Nauka Shah

Lack of time, almost always, the lack of clarity. If you want to learn effective time management strategies, a step where you're going to become apparent. Only a fuzzy sense of direction, it will seem as though everything is important. In fact, once you bring clarity to your work, you find that you can lose, would be far more complete.

Why less is often more

A full, active life with no one can easily sit down and to prepare a long list of things that encompass every aspect of their lives. This, however, is not effective. It is extremely important that what is on the list.

Such a list at least 50% without any impact on your life who could never be. Required to complete 30% of it, yet take a lot of your time to be producing results. About 20% of the list is important, 100% will be crucial to your success, and produce 80% of things you want in life.

With this in mind, decide what you really want. With that done, it's stupid things out as you throw 50% of each day, and important, critical tasks every morning immediately on completing 20% as the focus is easy.

Why do we talk to a particular track to become

There may be a bit more, though can. A different reason that we own such a professional self-distraction is pushed into becoming the best.

Important tasks that must be fully each day the things that we usually overlook. They often require us to doing something that we are not sure about expanding your comfort zone by. They also might take the opportunity to "failure."

On the other hand, unnecessarily long list of things that we have less work for us that we can use what is important to distract yourself can not fail to deliver is.

How to implement it immediately

Do not critical first and last or not unimportant

As you already may have guessed, the solution to all this is pretty straight forward. Stop things that are not. Do important work immediately without hesitation. Complete only necessary, but after all the important functions of low-impact activities are completed.

It really is that simple! If you do not believe me, give it a try starting tomorrow. If you apply it honestly, I believe you will see how much you make a quantum leap ... And are less than ...

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/time-management-articles/effective-time-management-strategies-3916132.html

About the Author

I have written books on how to develop leadership quality to helping strategic leaders for strategic leadership development. My mission is to help others all over the world succeed in their own business. You can learn more about time management tips, leadership development, teamwork skills, leadership motivation and organization development by my free leadership articles.

The Key to fulfilment is Within Your Reach

How To Harness Your Subconscious Mind In Order To Get What You Desire!


There are several ways to train your subconscious mind such as *The prayers which Joseph Murphy says *Incantation which you experience in the Anthony Robbins seminars *Writing down your \"desires\" on paper and leaving it in your drawer *Keeping on saying \"I am lucky\"

All of these methods may be effective in the long run.And I hear some reports on some articles and books on internet. *100,000 dollars check was suddenly sent to the mailbox *Getting Hammer after visualizing it for several months.Today I\'m investigating subliminal videos on sale from several merchants around the world.These videos have a lot of specific purposes such as *Diet *Money *Relationship *Training Muscles etc.

Subliminal Videos are designed in order to deliver positive affirmation messages directly to your subconscious mind bypassing your consciousness by flashing those messages very rapidly(around 1/10 to 1/100 sec) The results are scientifically proven at some universities in the United States. Positive Affirmations are such as these. I am aggressive /I am enthusiastic /I am intelligent/My skills are always improving /My skills are dominant /I have what it takes to succeed

I have tested a couple of kinds of subliminal videos and got the following results. *Stress has reduced and some of my chronic symptoms faded away after using them just a couple of days. *My energy level drastically improved by changing the muscle state by only watching videos. *My thoughts turned more positive and new ideas flowed freely. Anyway I became very energized and the videos increased my creativity a lot.

I introduce some videos for your interests.Please visit websites to see what the benefits of those videos are. Love\'n\'Luxxxury http://www.bestlifefreedom.com/nelson.html
Live With Passion

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/law-of-attraction-articles/how-to-harness-your-subconscious-mind-in-order-to-get-what-you-desire-777993.html

About the Author

I'm a self-made internet businessowner and studying IT techniques in order to build my own sites. I 'm also interested in the personal development and investigating the process of LOA (Law Of Attraction). I have attended several seminars and read some books and articles all over the world but I'm trying to find the process to apply for the better life.

Loose Weight with Ease

The best Diet solutions to supplement weight loss

Author: Lisa Klain

Everybody aspires for a healthy body but often, many of us fail to keep a check over our weight. Any physical fitness trainer will tell you about the importance of the natural diet solutions for attaining success at your weight loss goals. Without proper natural diet, regular exercises will make your body weak and susceptible to fatigue and that may cause negative effects of weight loss oriented workouts.

Natural diets offer a wide range of options for the users with different set of priorities. As for example, if you are a diabetic patient, you may choose for specific diet solution for weight loss such as glycemic index diet. Such natural diet includes fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and nutritious food grains like basmati rice, oats, barley, chick peas, quinoa and a lot more.

The fat burning effect of proper natural diet can be seen within weeks as you will experience a definite improvement while you will not suffer any weakness and fatigue. Without proper dieting solution, it is impossible to control your weight irrespective of how hard you work in the gym.

Many of the dieticians also offer organic natural diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown in the natural manner without the use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. Organic diet doesn't include any food that uses preservatives or sweeteners. The idea behind organic natural diets is that the artificial additives like chemical fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives etc ruins the natural ability of food to provide better health. Organic natural diets include free-range eggs, hormone free milk, beef and chicken used and prepared without using any preservative. Organic natural diet also disqualifies the food grains and vegetables that are genetically modified (such as BT crops).

A healthy diet is the pre-requisite for a healthy body. With proper natural diet solutions, you will be able to experience the best and fastest possible fat burning effect and that will help you to lose weight but to retain required energy.

In order to attain highly qualified information and proper tips and instructions about how to lose weight and maintain health, one may visit the official website for The Diet Solutions at http://shmyl.com/elvhton that offers every bit of information about natural diets and their fat burning effects in details.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/weight-loss-articles/the-best-diet-solutions-to-supplement-weight-loss-3799695.html

About the Author

Loose the Belly

Stomach Exercise To Lose Belly Fat

Author: Chung Leong Yu

There is no magical gizmos or high tech gadgets to help you get your abdominal muscle. You have to exercise to flatten stomach and get a lean, defined six-pack. Your dream of getting a sexy body with flat and trim abs is within your reach! Sculpt up with lower abdomen exercise and get rid of those love handles with exercise. Here is how!

Stomach Muscle Exercise

A good abdominal workout program requires high intensity muscular overload and an increase in intensity progressively. Stomach exercise must be performed carefully so that the lower back is supported properly.

Stomach exercise can help build the entire abdomen region because the upper and lower abdominals are not separated and are connected. Of course, there are some stomach exercises that can help build and strengthen specifically the lower and upper abdominal muscles.

Abdominal exercises can help you also gain strong stomach muscles and back muscles. This can reduce the likelihood of back pains and provide protection against injury by efficient response to stress.

Lets have a deeper look into the muscles in the abdominal area. The Rectus abdominals is the muscle that stretches down the stomach from your ribs to the hips. The external and internal oblique run down the sides of the waist and their job is to rotate the torso and assist the abdominals during curling and twisting movements.

Stomach exercises are needed to tone or harden the muscles in that area. Not only that, the layer of body fat that is covering the abs must be burn off and this could be only done with proper eating plan. Try to increase your protein intake and limit your carbohydrates, eating a low carbohydrate diet is said to be one way of tackling flabby abs along with a sensible abs exercise routine, strength training and cardio exercise.

Stomach exercise

Stomach exercise must be followed religiously and is all about frequency rather than intensity. No exercise must be continued if it leads to pain or extreme discomfort. The best stomach exercise program can also help you achieve a flat and tight stomach. Many an abs exercise can be performed on the floor. Like any other muscles, the abdominal muscles will react to resistance training like bicep curls and crunches.

A simple pelvic tilt performed while sitting in a chair can strengthen your abdominal muscles and help support the back.

Best Stomach Exercises


Lay on your back and knees bent, lift your shoulders off the floor. The emphasis is on moving the ribs towards the hips.

Reverse Curl

Lay on your back, bend your knees towards the chest. Keep the hips on the floor. Contract your abdominal muscles at the same time. Your lower abdominal exercise program must include reverse curls.

Leg raise

Single leg raise involves raising one leg from the floor. The double leg raise involves raising both legs from the floor at the same time and this works as an abdominal muscle exercise. Lying leg raises are ideal lower abdominal exercise

Abs exercise with the ball

The stability ball is an effective training device for the abs and lower back. Due to the curve of the exercise ball, the lower abdominal muscles get trained better on account of the greater range of motion.


It was ranked the best abdominal exercise by the American Council on Exercise. When performed with the abs muscles pulled, this exercise does great things for you.


For this exercise program, you need to position yourself for a pushup and hold the pose. Ensure that your body is in one long, straight line from head to toes.

Captains chair

This abs exercise involves standing on a gym chair and gripping the handholds. Press your back against the head pad and slowly lift your knees towards your chest. The back must remain straight.

Postnatal stomach exercise

A lot of women just cannot wait to get back in shape after childbirth. But before they can participate in any postnatal weight loss exercise program, they have to consult their doctor first.

Pelvic tilts and simple abs contractions are an ideal way to start on a postnatal lower abdomen exercise program. Combined with Kegels exercise, you can get your pelvic floor muscles back in shape. Isometric contractions can even be practiced with the baby on your stomach. Stick to a steady lower abs exercise program and watch the flabby skin harden.

Stomach exercise to flatten stomach

Getting a lean defined six-pack abs is a dream for most of us. Millions of dollars are spent yearly in the process of achieving a flat stomach and trim waistline. There are many gadgets that are sold to those seeking an exercise program getting the stomach fat down.

The first step towards a lean waist and flat stomach is to remove the fat that sits on the abs. A combination of cardiovascular exercise program coupled with a low fat diet aimed at preventing fat can do wonders. Stomach exercise program would include the following:

Forward flexion exercises such as sit-ups and crunches.

Rotational exercises such as trunk rotations and standing twists

Stomach Exercise for love handle

Love handles are a misnomer, as all women would love to shun them. Love handles are the ugly fat belts around the waist. This lump of flesh starts at the side of the bra-line and extends all the way down the back. Aerobic exercise aimed at this region can help you shed those love handles. Exercise for love handles involve exercising the oblique muscles to tighten up the sides of the waist. Abs crunches could also do the same.

Here is an easy stomach exercise for the oblique that you can do at home.

Sit upright with a stick across the back of your shoulders. Twist from side to side. Side bends also work wonders on love handles. Keep at it and watch these muscles firm into place.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/fitness-articles/stomach-exercise-to-lose-belly-fat-84797.html

About the Author

Yu Chung Leong is an experienced and motivated personal trainer for many years. He is passionate about health and fitness and enjoys helping people achieve their fitness goals. He writes many free weight loss tips at http://www.Lose-Fat-Tips.com

Life Without Stress

4 Stress Management Strategies That Will Work For Anyone

Author: Gary Giardina

Stress is something that every person in the world feels every day. It is a part of life you have to learn to deal with and that is why you need to be aware of some stress management strategies that will help you do just that.

There are many things that you can do to help you relieve your stress. You want to be sure that you choose the one that is the best for you. Since every person is different in how they like to relieve stress, locating the best one for you will ensure it works right.

Here are some good strategies that you will be able to decide to use for managing your stress.

One: Find the cause of your stress - If you are serious about relieving your stress, it is important to first know the cause of it. Most of the things that cause stress will be really easy to determine like your job, deadlines you have to meet and many others.

Other causes won't always be so easy to determine. For this, you will have to look at your life and do some self introspection to help you figure it out. Once you know what the stressors are, you can get to work on eliminating them.

Two: Take care of yourself - There are so many people that are so used to taking care of other people that they forget to take care of themselves. You have to find time to take care of yourself because not doing this will cause you a lot of stress you may not realize you are dealing with.

Everyone needs time to ensure they are taken care of and relaxed. This will help you deal better with everything else in your life because you will know you have a way to help relieve your stress.

Find something once a week or more often that you like to do. Then set aside time just for you to do that. If you stick to it and remember that you are an important person that needs being taken care of like everyone else does, this will make a big difference in relieving your stress.

Three: Exercise and eat healthy - This is a strategy that everyone needs to use to relieve stress. Exercising is a great way to reduce your stress levels and eating healthy will make you feel much better physically. Your stress will not be as high when you feel good.

Four: Meditate - Many people have found that meditating is a great way to relax and relieve stress. You don't have to do it for a long period of time.

Just meditate for a few minutes whenever you feel stress throughout the day and this will have a big impact on the stress you experience daily.

These are just a few of the stress management strategies that you can use. Using as many of them as possible will make sure that you are living life with the least amount of stress possible. Just remember that stress doesn't have to overtake your daily living, especially now that you are prepared with some ways to help relieve it.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/4-stress-management-strategies-that-will-work-for-anyone-3916354.html

About the Author

Gary Giardina has found the perfect health home business to make money and help people with healthy aging and inflammation. Plus it is the only internet business that lets you buy real customers and not just leads. Click here now: http://homebizsuccess1.com

Richness based on your lifestyle

The Science of Getting Rich: Living Life to the Fullest

Author: Ryan Paul

All of us have the inherent desire to live life to the fullest. And aren’t you glad that God and nature has the same plan for us too? But why most of the time, we don’t live life to the fullest? Have you thought about it?

This very thought disturbed me a couple of years ago, and I am glad it did! That marked the turning point in my life. I knew that I wasn’t living life to the fullest, the way I want to live and the way that God wants me to live. I was working 8-10 routine, 5 days a week, with little time for myself, and no time to indulge in what I liked. Instead, I was breaking my back doing investment plans for a huge corporate company. And whatever I was earning was just enough to maintain my moderate lifestyle with nothing much to boast about. A car and a home with 90% financing and I was religiously servicing the interest without realizing that the bank was robbing me in a huge way. I need to work to pay the mortgages, so to work it was! I was on the earn-and-spend treadmill!

I stumbled upon The Science of Getting Rich, and it provoked my thinking! I was not living my life to the fullest! I was just being tossed by the waves of mediocrity while hoping things to turn for the better, with least effort on my part, how foolish I was!

I was all out on a quest to become a millionaire! While learning the traits of millionaires, I was intrigued by one. Millionaires own their own business and are very passionate about it! It immediately clicked me that I am not going to live life to the fullest by working for others, forever. I need to create something for myself, which I could take ownership. I need to create my own sources of income (its plural now compared to working for someone, which is often singular) which would have unlimited potential to grow and enable me to live life to the fullest.

I gave up my 8-10 routine, started my own business, was very passionate about it, and the rest was history. Now it enables me to be rich and live life to the fullest!

Has this provoked your thinking?

Learn more about The Science of Getting Rich at


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/the-science-of-getting-rich-living-life-to-the-fullest-881981.html

About the Author

Ryan Paul has been actively studying The Science of Getting Rich, The Law of Attraction and The Secret for years and has been gladly under the mentorship of Bob Proctor. He actively blogs at www.scienceofgettingrichexposed.net.

What's Life Got to do with it.

Living Life to the fullest with the help of a Life Coach Melbourne

Author: Che Cruz

Comsulting a life coach Melbourne when you reach the crossroads of your life is a commendable thing. Crossroads are inevitable. We all get to think point at least one time in our life. Whe this time comes in your life you seem to have a lot of choices. It is either you go forward, left, right or even beackwards. Another option is even to stay where you currently are.

Staying where you are is an option that you can definitely choose but if you go down this road you will stay where you are. Something that you don't want because it seemingly will just lead you nowhere. you want to go some place that would offer you new challenges and hopefully bring about positive changes in your life. When faced with difficult options such as this, it helps to have somebody to talk with. Somebody who would willingly hold your hand and guide you towards making the right decisions that you need to take.

One does not have to go through life alone. There are people who are trained to encourage others to move and and start living their life according to how it should be lived. Of course you have to option to just be alone and tread the lonely path on your own but you also have other options in life. One option is to talk to a life coach to help you with coming up with important decisions.

When talking with a life coach it does not mean that you will be totally dependent on him or her. They are there to help you sort out the various emotions you may be going through in difficult things like this. Do not be hesistant in putting your trust in a life coach Melbourne because the life coach is a trained professional who can help you come up with the best option for you to live life to the fullest.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/advertising-articles/living-life-to-the-fullest-with-the-help-of-a-life-coach-melbourne-1332731.html

About the Author

Jo Smiler Woods owned urbansmiler.com for life coach melbourne - "What a life I’ve had! AND what a life I have".

Live life to the fullest

Master Three Ways to Live Life to Its Fullest!

Author: Paul J. Meyer

All of us tend to take life a little too seriously. Do you see the proverbial glass as half empty or half full? Living life to its fullest means always seeing that glass as half full. Whether you think it is good, bad, or ugly, you are experiencing life. You can choose the way you react to the things you experience in life. There are three ways to live life to its fullest: laugh at life, wait to worry, and practice forgiveness.

#1 — Laugh at life.

Things happen that you cannot manage, manipulate, predict, or prevent. That’s just life. However, of the things you can control, one of them has the ability to positively impact every area of your life, including the hard times. It’s your ability to laugh! Laughing is not a personality trait. Instead, it is something we do purposefully, looking for things to laugh at.

The French have a great adage: “The most completely lost of all days is that on which one has not laughed.” I like that and try to make each day count. One of my most constant sources of laughter is laughing at myself. Whoever said that if you learn to laugh at yourself, you’ll always have something to laugh about, was absolutely correct.

If I take myself too seriously, then I begin to think more and more about the negative situations around me. From that vantage point, discouragement, lack of faith, hopelessness, and bitterness can seep into my life. Instead, laughter enables me to maintain a healthy perspective. Why not laugh? There’s always a reason to laugh. There’s probably also a reason not to laugh, but you have to choose which one you want to do. Here are five reasons why cultivating the habit of daily laughing is beneficial. Laughter is…

1. Better than tears.

2. Good for you.

3. Powerful.

4. Fun to be around.

5. A good teacher.

#2 — Wait to worry.

More damage is done by worrying than by what is being worried about. This is because over 90% of all worries never come to pass. Worrying is neither normal nor necessary. Over the years I have made it a deliberate point not to worry. If something happens at work or home that would constitute a worry, I have learned to address the potential worry and say, “I’m going to wait to worry.” Then when I objectively and realistically address the issue, the obvious need for worry goes away.

How can you win over worry? Entire books have been written on this subject, but I have found that regardless of the great information on this or any topic, people will continue to do what they choose to do. The only way for them to bring about change is to willfully change their way of thinking. Living with a positive attitude and without worry is a great way to live. I don’t expect something bad to happen, but if it does, I deal with it and get on with life. Make the decision for yourself to live worry-free. It is not only possible, but it is very enjoyable.

#3 — Practice forgiveness.

Forgiveness is an incredible thing, especially when we’re the one being forgiven for wrongs we have committed. It not only feels great to be forgiven, but it feels just as great to forgive others who have wronged us. To me, forgiving others is like being given a reprieve from an impossible task. It takes time and practice to develop an “I will forgive you regardless of what you do to me” mentality, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Despite the heavy price that forgiveness carries with it, the price of un-forgiveness is far greater. People who never forgive have effectively been held captive, stuck in a jail they made for themselves. Their emotions, creativity, joy, peace, hope, dreams, etc. have been minimized by their unwillingness to forgive. Choosing to forgive or not forgive will always be our choice, but for me, it’s always been one of those “no-brainer” choices. Forgiveness is first a choice and then an action. Forgiveness is freedom. Forgiveness requires guts, determination, courage, and a whole lot of love.

Wouldn’t you rather be remembered for someone who lived life to its fullest than someone who was negative, bitter, or unforgiving? There’s an old saying that if you want to know what people will say about you when you are gone, write your own epitaph now and then live that way. Here are a few of my favorites. He … loved God first, loved his family and extended family, was an encourager, a giver; he always had a positive attitude, and he kept his word.

Remember, we don’t always get a second chance. I want to make the most of everyday, because tomorrow there is no guarantee. Carpe diem — seize the day — to start living life to its fullest! Learn to laugh at life, wait to worry, and practice forgiveness.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/master-three-ways-to-live-life-to-its-fullest-566288.html

About the Author

Paul J. Meyer is a New York Times best-selling author, successful entrepreneur, and a millionaire many times over. His life-long passion is helping people develop their full potential in business and leadership through tried and true methods of achieving success. Visit www.pauljmeyer.com for more resources.

Design Your Life's Road Map


Author: stuart baldwin


The research shows that 4 out of 5 people fail in their New Year's resolutions by January 20th, which is not ideal.

One of the reasons they say that people struggle is because the resolutions we often set simply aren't inspiring enough to us, we just don't care enough about them, they are not things that really matter to us. You know, I don't think I could complete a Suduko puzzle to win a night's camping but I would run through walls to get the chance to live in a beach hut on a deserted island, because that's just what I like, what matters to me and we need to do the same thing with these resolutions. We need to make sure we set things that are really inspiring for us, that we really care about, not what we think we should have or other people think we should do or society thinks we should do but things we genuinely personally really care about.

Here's a good way of doing that:

Imagine that it's the end of December 2011 and you are looking back at the year just gone and you ask yourself what did I achieve in 2011 that I am really proud of? What do I want to tell people about that I did in 2011? What do I think "yea that was really something important that I am really pleased that I did achieve, conquer, whatever?"

See what thought comes to mind and it's probably something you want to set as a resolution.


80% of people fail to achieve their resolutions and one of the reasons for this is because the kind of resolutions that we often set tend to be a bit vague, you know we say stuff like "I want to lose weight" or "I want to move house" or "I want a new car" or "I want a new job" which is not bad for direction and certainly is probably true but in terms of being practically useful they are just a bit too wide, a bit too vague.

Life is a game of inches. It's our ability to know what we want, know what direction we are heading in, but take small actions, step by step, day by day, inch by inch, towards what we want that enables anyone to achieve anything. Clive Woodward the rugby coach who took England to the 2003 World Cup victory has a philosophy, which is to do 100 things 1% better, because he believes the gap between first and second place in elite sports is pretty narrow, as is the gap between doing something and not doing something in life, so Clive had Nike especially re-design the rugby jerseys for his team so they were skin-tight just so that his players would stand a better chance of getting on Strictly Come Dancing… or maybe it was so they wouldn't get ‘yanked' by the opposition? ;)

So this is what we want to do, we want to set ourselves very clear next step goals. If we know what we want for our resolution is to weigh X by a certain date then we have got to also ask ourselves "what's our first step," "what comes next" and maybe it's to buy fruit tomorrow or join the gym by Thursday but it is essential that we keep setting those next steps and doing them, set the next one and do it, and keep moving, inch by inch, step by step towards the thing that you want.

Doing this builds confidence and belief, we can keep experiencing ‘little wins'. If you are still struggling to do some of your next step actions, chunk them down further, make them even smaller so you can not fail. It makes life very simple and a hell of a lot easier to realise you don't need to worry about what you can't do, or how hard, big or scary something is. If you keep moving a little bit at a time, you will of course eventually get to where you want to be. So be patient and remember … Life is a game of Inches.


33% of people who fail to complete their New Year's resolutions say it was because it was something they weren't really committed to and I think this is an interesting area to look at. Are we setting resolutions that we really care about or are we setting things that other people think we should have, that society suggests we should do or that we feel we are supposed to do?

This is a big thing in life, are we able to follow our own path or do what we think we should do, what we are supposed to do. One of our biggest opportunities for achieving the greatness that we are capable of in our lives is to get comfortable with the idea that you are different from everybody else and it's ok to care about what you care about. Everyone will be different and if you follow the path that is doing what you are supposed to do, what society says you are supposed to do, what your parents or friends, or children or partner think you should do rather than what you want to do you will find it really difficult to be happy, never mind to achieve the things that you have set out to achieve. So this is our opportunity when setting resolutions. To make sure we set things that we really, really want, that we really care about.

Here's a neat way of doing that, make 3 lists, firstly of all the things that make you smile, in your life, your work, things that when you think about them, a real natural smile comes to mind when you think about doing that activity or achieving that thing. It can be normal stuff, every day things or big stuff, whatever. What makes you smile?

Secondly make a list of all your strengths and don't be humble, don't say "oh, I don't know, I'm not really any good at anything." Just say "what am I good at?" I'm good at talking, I'm good at helping people, good with numbers, good at sitting quietly and planning, good with the kids, whatever... Make a list of all the things that are your strengths.

Then make a third list of all the things that are really important to you in work or life or whatever. Small things, big things, it doesn't matter. A list of things that are really important to you that really matter to you and then notice which kinds of subjects appear in all three lists. What things are common across those three areas.

Those are the things that you should be setting your New Year's Resolutions in line with. The things that you really care about and that you really want.


Quite often we set resolutions but we don't set goals. They are not really clear, measurable, simple, practical things that we can achieve and so we try and achieve stuff which is just too vague or too wide to be something which is practically useful to us. You've probably heard about goal setting many times before, it's something a lot of people talk about but I think it is easy to brush off, I certainly have done a bunch of times, but it really does work, it really does make a difference.

In 1953 there was a class at Yale University in America who took part in some research. There were a hundred of them and they asked them a bunch of questions, knowing that they would come back to these guys twenty years later on and see what they had done with those questions. One of the questions they asked them was "do you have a goal" and 10% of the group said they did have goals and when they came back twenty years later those 10% were measurably more successful and happier than the rest of the group but what is more persuasive is 4% of the group said that they had specific goals that were measurable and written down and when they came back to that group twenty years later each one of those four was worth more money individually than the rest of the group put together.

Setting goals really works, so when you are thinking about your resolutions don't say "I want to lose weight," say "I want to weigh X by a certain date." Don't say "I want to live somewhere better," say "I want to move house to this kind of place by July, don't say "I hate my job, get a better one," say "I would like a new job, working in this kind of industry for this kind of salary" or whatever else is important to you by this day. You get the idea? Set really good, clear, specific and measurable goals and that's the key, make sure they are measurable, put a date on them and make them as specific as possible so it will be ‘this kind of car by that date that I want.' Really good goal setting says who will do what, by when. If you set yourself really good goals, rather than vague resolutions you will massively increase your chances of achieving them.


40% of people who fail to complete their resolutions say that it's because they had too many things to do and the research shows us will power is a limited resource.

So here's a thought, instead of setting a few resolutions because you feel you should, consider just setting one, the single most important thing you want to achieve next, you want to change, you want to do, you want to get. Then maybe when you achieve that one, set another one after that but consider starting the year just focusing on one thing. It can be incredibly powerful. Better to achieve that one thing that's most important to you than to not achieve five things which were ‘kind of' important to you and if you want to find out what that most important thing is, if it's not instantly coming to the top of your mind then make a list of all the things that you want, of all the resolutions you might have or goals you might set and then mark each of them out of ten for how really important to you they are. See what floats to the top.

Better to achieve that one thing than to fail at lots of things. Good luck!


The research shows 6 out of 10 people struggle to set resolutions because they don't know what they want. Maybe they know what they don't want but they don't know what they want. This is, of course, relatively normal for us. I think, however, that most people do know what they want but just struggle to perhaps see it, recognise it, draw it out of themselves. If you ask yourself the right questions then normally you can find what it is you really care about, what it is you want, what direction you want to head in. It's kind of like ‘researching yourself', finding insights about yourself by asking the right questions.

One of the things that really helps when you are doing this is to break it down a little bit, because "what do I want?" is kind of, a big question but if you break it down into four key areas it can be much easier. So ask yourself what do I want next year in these four areas.

What do I want for my family? That could be with your partner, with your children, with your parents, whatever.

What do you want next year in your work? It might be to get a job, might be to change your job, get a promotion, get stability, get more money, enjoy it more. What do you want with your work in 2011?

What do you want next year for your health? Your emotional health, your mental health, your physical health. Is it to lose weight, gain weight, train more, be calmer, less stressed, be happier.

and finally, ask yourself

What do you want next year in the area of fun? Time with friends, hobbies, nights out, reading, relaxing, whatever it is you think of as fun?

If you do that it often becomes really clear that there are some things that you really want and you can set some really good New Year's Resolutions in line with that.


The brain does not recognise the word ‘Don't. It's just the way our heads work and if you've not heard this before then try it out for yourself right now.

Whatever you do right now don't think of, don't imagine a red car and don't see a warm cup of tea or coffee and hear the teaspoon clinging on the cup. You can't do it, right? It's just the way our brain's work, we don't process the word don't , the way it's intended in language.

Gary Lineker was once asked who the best football manager he ever worked with was by a journalist, he hesitated, and the journalist said, "well surely it was Bobby Robson 1990 World Cup England team semi final, massive achievement" and Gary said "God no, we were there, we had penalties to take that was all that was left and we knew what we were doing. We'd practiced this, we'd rehearsed it, we knew how to do it, and Bobby came over and he said ‘for God's sake lads, don't screw up now, there's 50 million people watching this game, if you mess up now you'll never forget it, so don't mess up'" and you wonder to what extent Bobby was responsible, maybe, for what happened.

So if this is how our brains work, it is really important that when we set resolutions we frame them positively. It's not helpful for us to say things like "don't smoke so much, don't drink so much, don't be so lazy" these are not good objectives to set our brain, it doesn't help us to achieve them. We want to set goals that are positively framed, things like "I want to smoke X amount per week, or I want to smoke nothing per week or I want to drink X amount per week or month and I want to exercise X amount of number of times per week."

If you set yourself positively framed goals you give your brain a much better chance of helping you to achieve them.

To see these tips as 7 short videos go to


For more help getting what you want in 2011 go to


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Thanks and see you there


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/goal-setting-articles/7-tips-for-new-years-resolutions-that-stick-3911566.html

About the Author

Hi Im Stuart,

I work with public and corporate organisations as a speaker, trainer and consultant to develop leadership, culture and engagement, helping people perform at their best and reach their goals. In doing this work I realised the same things that enable people to do incredible things at work can help people to get what they want in their life and this, all of a sudden, somehow seemed significantly more important. So I started looking for ways I could connect these ideas and practical tools with as many people as possible, through articles, videos and a new website. It has sort of became my altruistic mission and one of the things that brings me the most happiness in life :)

My Story

I was in UK media for 15 years and got deeply obsessed with understanding why some people were great at achieving things and others really struggled. My fascination was in finding simple and practical steps I could use with my teams to increase their performance. In doing so I found things that can help anyone achieve anything.

I researched and learned neuroscience, performance psychology, action coaching, NLP, personal development theories, talked with hundreds of experts, crashed lectures, interviewed high performance people in every field... anything I could find.

Growing up in broadcasting I had been taught to make complicated things simple (to get to the point) so they could be communicated in such a way that would make people remember and act on them and with out really realising it, this is what I started to with what I was learning.

My brain also needs things to be simple so I can remember and use them, so I was looking for insights, those ah ha moments of clarity and truth out of all the masses of information I was consuming. Id then figure out how to practically use those insights in real life situations to increase day to day performance. Once Id got the idea to show itself to be practical and useable I would then work on the most effective way to connect it with others so they could get a real experience of the idea, and a structure to incorporate it in to their life.

This became the practical and simple 3 part process which now helps people get what they want in work and life.

Have fun
